The detailed analysis of the entrepreneurship ecosystem in the field of Cybersecurity yields the following conclusions:
Currently, the Spanish ecosystem in the Cybersecurity sector is an emerging and growing niche, with great opportunities for growth and development, but still with a lot of work to do when it comes to generating entrepreneurship, employment and networking opportunities. An important point to highlight is the global nature of cybersecurity, in the sense that both SMEs, in smaller numbers, and large companies are concerned in this aspect, resulting in the fact that, ultimately, every company must be cybersecure. still not dedicating exclusively to this sector.
INCIBE, it is considered that the ecosystem in the Cybersecurity sector is not cohesive. The main barriers that the ecosystem faces in this sense are the differences based on specialization and the still difficulty of access to resources.
Existen diversas opiniones sobre la relevancia de dicho sector en el ecosistema español, pero sí se suele asociar su relevancia más al factor estratégico explicado anteriormente, con el cual todo negocio debe ser ciberseguro, que al peso y valor de las empresas especializadas en este sector. Un punto interesante a tener en cuenta es que, actualmente, la Ciberseguridad es vista desde una perspectiva reaccionaria, y no preventiva, invirtiéndose en ella cuando se detecta un incidente.
There are many fields of application for Cybersecurity, such as banking, cloud security, networks and data, or health. Among the technologies, artificial intelligence, big data and blockchain stand out.
There are numerous difficulties for startups in this sector, including limited financing, excessive bureaucracy, high competition, and a shortage of specialized talent. Other aspects they face are the lack of information and the difficulty of selling a cyber-secure product or idea. As possible solutions, the creation of more observatories, such as CIBER-SHUBE, or the creation of a market in the field of cybersecurity implementation in Spanish companies are proposed.
There are many grants and initiatives that promote entrepreneurship, innovation and investment in the Cybersecurity sector. At the national level, numerous INCIBE activities stand out, such as Incibe Emprende, Ciberemprende, Ciberinnova, CIBER-SHUBE, CIBER OLÉ and its different bootcamps, the Madrid Cybersecurity Cluster (CyberMadrid), Territorial Networks of Technological Specialization (RETECH), the Confia program, the activities within ‘Hacker Talent’ or the Cybersecurity Laboratory, . There are also other actions such as the Digital Kit or regional programs such as Invest In Cities or Marbella Digital. At an international level, the Horizon 2020, Digital Europe Program and the European Cybersecurity Organization (ECSO) programs stand out. However, their knowledge is still somewhat “niche” and there is a lot of ignorance in this aspect.
As in other sectors, entrepreneurs encounter difficulties when starting and expanding their business, especially in the latter. It is indicated that access to venture capital, incubators and accelerators facilitates these beginnings, but these accesses remain equally complicated. Another point is technical knowledge in cybersecurity, which is very specific and requires constant recycling. Finally, the ability to establish collaborations and agreements with companies in the sector and institutions is a task that shows its fruits in the long term, which is why startups have to invest significant resources from their beginnings and it is not always a sustainable situation due to the limitation of time and personnel that characterizes them. There should be greater monitoring and financing on demand.
There are numerous trends that will mark the future and development of Cybersecurity. These include artificial intelligence, blockchain, machine learning, security in phishing and financial issues, process automation, inter-business information systems, quantum computing, cyberdefense, decentralization, dissemination and “de-technification.” of cybersecurity.
There are differences at the regional level regarding the influence of the Cybersecurity sector when it comes to creating employment. Specifically, the Community of Madrid, Extremadura (especially Badajoz) and Andalusia (with a great focus on Malaga) stand out. They highlight that those communities that demand more regulation in this matter will be the ones that will be able to create the most jobs in this field.
The potential of Spanish startups in the Cybersecurity sector when it comes to internationalizing their activity, their main competitive advantages being the rise of the sector in all countries, the competitive prices that Spain offers compared to the rest of European countries and the ease of costs as they are businesses that can operate without a physical infrastructure. However, the challenges to overcome are the support and promotion by administrations to avoid “falling behind” compared to the rest of the countries and the difficulty of competing with the startups and technologies that are currently being developed in the United States.